Friday, October 7, 2011

Day ? - A rant

Sorry I haven't posted in a while - I've still been writing on my Tumblr, but with school starting and all, it's been hard to find a time that shouldn't be devoted to homework (in fact, I should be working on a commentary essay on Vladimir Propp ...).

But here's something that's on my mind, that isn't appropriate for Facebook, and part of me wishes the recipient of the letter will read it.

Dear Becky,

I have never really liked you. Honest and truly. I accepted you because Rob loved liked you, but I'll tell it to you now: no one else in my family could stand you.

You don't deserve him. He's an amazing guy, an amazing boyfriend, and deos all he can for you. For everyone. And maybe that's his downfall. He tries too hard to please everyone - but sometimes he does have to take care of himself.

You say he puts "everything else before you." Bullshit. He bends over backwards for you. He's left his family for you, when you throw a hissy fit and want him back in Ann Arbor. I'm sorry that he left this weekend when you didn't allow for it. But he's going to see our father. I apologize that that doesn't fit into your plans. I'm sorry that our family situation is like this. But you don't have to live it. You don't have to hop on a plane to see your parent, or try to manage travelling and schoolwork.

I'm sorry you don't like Michigan. I'm sorry you'd rather bake all day, every day. But unfortunately, the world just isn't like that. You can't just bake cupcakes for a living. Some people actually want to do something with their life. And Rob happens to be one of those people. He needs to do well in his classes, and if that mean studying instead of hanging out with you, you should be supportive.

He supports you. He buys you baking supplies, and encourages you to do what you want to. The least you can do is treat him with respect. I know you have your fair share of problems: I've read your Tumblr/Blog before. I know you have issues and don't want to feel like he leaves you. But missing plans or doing other things doesn't mean he's going to leave you forever. Flying for a weekend doesn't mean you'll never see him again. Good lord, he went to fucking England with you this summer. Doesn't that mean anything to you?!

Rob is a good guy. He's my brother, and I love him. I want what's best for him, and sorry honey, you ain't it. Go ahead and bitch on Facebook when he can't defend himself. Because i know you wouldn't have the guts to do it if he was able to respond. It's taking all of me to not comment on your message and call you a bitch. So instead, I'll do it here.

You're a bitch. And I hate you. More so than anyone else on the planet. Because you hurt my brother. And no matter how much right you think you have to do that, you don't. No one does.

You're a bitch. And I pity you. Because you don't realize how much you have fucked up. And you really don't know how much you're going to regret this. But I pray to God you two don't get back together. Because he deserves better than you.

Honestly? He deserves Raleigh. And I hope that's a smack in the face for you.


P.S. That was classy to delete the two comments on your changed relationship status that portray you as a bitch and someone calling you out on it. I'm glad someone put you in your place.

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