Friday, October 21, 2011

A good week

It's been a week since my Hell Week. I survived (as you could tell from Friday's post), but so many things have happened:

  • we had Fall "Study" Break. This basically meant that all students had a 4 day weekend that we were supposed to use to study. I decided studying was pretty analogous to knitting baby hats, so that's what I did most of the time. Scratch that. All of the time. It was a super relaxing break, and I ended up ...
  • baking. lots. Lots of things with pumpkin. My favorites were the baked pumpkin spice donut holes. They are were delicious.The pumpkin pie snickerdoodles were also really nice, but I just love donuts.
  • I visited my mom's classroom. And there really is nothing better than having two dozen fourth and fifth graders think you're the most amazing person they've ever seen. It does wonders for a college student's self-esteem. Or anyone's, for that matter.
  • picked up my Literary Theory paper (it was due last Tuesday). I was super nervous about it, since not only was it for a grade in the class, but my professor was also using it as a writing sample so that she could write me a recommendation for the Honors English program. She loved the paper. Her comments:
This is an astute commentary, bursting with smart comments about the issues raised by Propp's theory. You do a terrific job of laying out the principles before assessing their limitation, especially with respect to function. I'm impressed by your ability to survey the theory while pondering its implications without losing sight of your own position. A paper of very high quality and intelligence - this was a pleasure to read.
As you can probably tell, I am super super super excited. Not only was it a breath of fresh air grade-wise, but it was also really nice for her to say that she was impressed by my writing, since, honestly, she intimidates me. A lot.

  •  took a Linear Algebra midterm. It wasn't as bad as I had thought that it might be.
  • I think someone might like me. I don't want to jinx it, but I kinda like him back. He's really cute. And he keeps wanting to have meals with me, or hang out. Or just chat. It's lovely.
  • received a grade for my Calc 3 midterm - passed the average. It was a very good way to end an already great Thursday.
Abby is coming tomorrow, which is always exciting. But it's even more so now, because I haven't seen her since school started (I don't really count Skype chats). It'll be great to be able to hug my "surprised ginger" and get coffee and chat and introduce her to friends.

After Abby comes, I'm getting coffee with friends to catch up on our lives. So much has happened since I've last had coffee with them, and it's just about time for us all to get back together.

Overall, it has been an amazing week (other than the sickness), and it's proving to be a wonderful weekend as well.

That's all for now. Going to take a shower and then head to bed. Because then it'll seem like Abby gets here sooner!

I hope y'alls weeks have been as wonderful as mine :)

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