Friday, October 14, 2011

Knitting Madness ... but Cute Madness

So I admit it: for the past two weeks, I've been addicted to knitting baby hats. No, there is no ulterior motives for me knitting baby hats, other than to be knitting them for charity (I'm a part of a group that now knits baby hats for a birthing center in a nearby town - we give them tiny hats to put on the baby's tiny heads to keep them warm).

So, anyways, I've finished seven hats in two weeks, and the eighth one is on the needles right now. If only I could figure out a way to knit and type at the same time .... ahh ... the productivity I'd have. I've posted pictures of most of the hats to Facebook (if you're friends with me, check them out - they are under the album "I'm Secretly an 80-year-old), but in case you're not, here are a couple of them:

See? They're adorable (or at least I think so).

So, back to the original point (or at least what I thought was the original point ... maybe not): I'm in my hometown for a couple of days (it's Fall Study Break, so we get a four day weekend to do whatever we want to ... except study) and I've decided that this is a baking and knitting kind of weekend. Really, though, what can you think of that's better than just curling up in front of a fire with knitting, a steaming mug of hot cocoa, maybe a baked pumpkin donut, and a cat by your feet?

Nothing, that's what.

But honestly though, this is the break I've been waiting for, and dreaming about. I can't wait to just relax all day tomorrow. Yes, I do have some homework I need to get done over the weekend (read a Shakespeare play, set up another blog, study for a linear algebra exam), but nothing that can't be done in the mornings. So that's what I'm going to do: wake up in the morning, do homework until lunchtime, and then after lunch, it's relaxation time. I can do whatever I want to, whether it's hanging out with friends, knitting, watching a movie, or maybe even all three at the same time! (Now that's what  I call multitasking!)

But, at the moment, I'm just knitting. And blogging. I just came back from my mom's room, where I was knitting and causing her to fall asleep (it's a little tradition of ours that the first night I'm back with her, we'll just sit and talk on her bed, and then when she gets tired, she'll go to sleep, and I'll just sit there and read, or, in tonight's case, knit). She wanted me to stay even longer, though, because I guess the sound of me knitting reminded her of when her mom knit.

It was touching, to be likened to my Gram. I still look up to her, even though she's not with us anymore. And I know that she'd love it that I was knitting these baby hats. She'd want to go and visit the babies, and hold one. Just one would be enough.

I wonder: is the reason I love knitting so much because I feel connected to Gram when I do? I've found myself wondering while knitting the hats "how many baby hats did Gram knit?" "did she ever stay up at night to finish a hat?" or "I wonder what she'd think now? I wonder if she'd like this pattern? Or this yarn?"

I miss you Gram. And I'm knitting this next baby hat for you. I hope you like it.

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