Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 213 - 216 - Delayed Delta and "Tea" Parties

Monday 8/1
I went to the airport at 5:00 a.m., only to find that my 6:30 flight was delayed until 7:30. Thanks Delta for letting me know I could have slept in another hour. The delay was then pushed back until 9:10, and so I had to rebook my connecting flight. No big deal. But then they up and cancelled the flight. So I had to completely rebook my travel plans, and the stupid people at the counter were saying that the best they could do was have me land in Tampa, Florida at 1 a.m.. Sorry, buddy, but that just wasn't going to work.

I eventually got a flight out of New Orleans, so my mom drove me down there, and I landed in Tampa at 6:45 (I was originally supposed to get in at 12:35 p.m.). I went to my grandmother's house and basically just fell asleep after eating some dinner.

Tuesday 8/2
My grandma and I went shopping and I got a rather adorable black cardigan. It has rosettes and a scoop neckline. I'm in love with it, and I may have a slight obsession with rosettes.

My grandma invited some of her friends over for a "tea" party. Mostly they drank wine, with a couple people (including myself) opting for water. Gossip and goodies were shared. We took pictures.

Wednesday 8/3
My grandma and I basically just hung around her house. I gave her a computer lesson (which she will promptly forget) and a cell phone lesson (for which she had all the directions and just hadn't taken the time to learn). Quite honestly, that's all we did. Or all that's worth noting.

Thursday 8/4
I hung around at my grandma's for the morning, and then drove to the airport in a massive thunderstorm. It was amazing.

My flight from Tampa went pretty well - there was no overweight neighbor passenger, and the flight only left about 15 minutes late (not bad considering my first day of travel!). The problems started when I arrived in Atlanta. First, I had to get a seat assignment, which actually wasn't too bad. But then the plane was delayed 15 minutes ... 30 minutes ... the pilots came off (with their luggage). We moved to a different gate, with a different plane. We got on. We waited. An hour.

By the time we finally took off, we were supposed to have landed in Raleigh. But it all worked out - I landed at 11:30ish and my cousin came to get me. We chatted for a bit once we got back to her house, and finally crashed into bed around 2:00 a.m.

Though I loved visiting my grandma an seeing her friends again, it's also really nice to be with someone around my age (my cousin is older, but we still have fun). I'm not sure what today will bring, but I'll be sure to keep everything updated while I have access to WiFi!

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