Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day ??? - Losing Track

I've lost track of where I am on the countdown. I'll be more on the ball in a little while. But, in the mean time.

1 week. The time until I am at a home again.
1 week. The time since I have left my other home.

I miss them both terribly. The south and school. And right now, I'm in a place that isn't home. I'm in a place that I don't belong.

I'm in my hometown, but so much has changed. I've changed. And though I know that change is good, I still don't like the feeling that I don't fit in anymore.

The old group of my friends hangs out without me. Do things that I don't necessarily agree with, but which distance them from me all the same.

I don't talk to the people I used to. And when we do talk, it's different. Strange. Abnormal.

I miss the person who made this feel a little more like home. The person I came back for, but now she's gone. And I know it's for the best. She needed to go, and I knew she was going to, but it doesn't make it any easier. It's hard, balancing letting her know that I miss her and trying not to make her miss home even more.

In 1 week, I'll be back at school, with the  friends I have made throughout the year. I'll be back with people who understand me, and who don't pressure me to change. I'll be back in my own room, with my roommate, chatting about the summer and making plans for the future.

A couple of weeks from that, I'll be on a plane headed down south for the weekend. Back to where life is normal, and to a place where I can catch up with summer friends, and speak with a drawl without people making fun of it.

Right now I'm in a place of transition. I'm in a place that used to be something, but that now is just ... nothing.

I'm not home. And I wish I were.

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