Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 244 - Thank You.

Wow. It's been crazy, this past week or so. We've not had Internet, but I just fixed it yesterday. Now I'm trying to get organized during packing, but it's not going too well. Oh well. At least I have a nice sign for my roommate for when she gets to school.

Yesterday I helped my mom in her classroom, and saw an old mentor. And I thought it would be a good occasion for a letter.

Dear Mr. P,

Thank you. I know those aren't words enough to express my gratitude to you, but it's the only thing I can think to say.

You've helped me. More so than you can even imagine. Our before-school chats would always start the day off right, and you were one of the few adults who I could talk freely to about anything and everything: school stresses, plans for the future, worries about what is to come. Boys. Clubs. Friends. Non-friends. Everything. And as strange as it sounds, you've turned into the confident that I wish I shared with my dad. Leo is so lucky to grow up with you.

Last November, I came in to talk to you during my Thanksgiving Break. I was stressed, and wondering whether I would every truly love Michigan. And I must admit, your words spoke wonders. You gave me the advice everyone else was giving: follow your heart. But when you said it, you also told me your opinion: I needed to do English. And maybe it's because of you that I am an English major today. You've inspired me, and have showed me that an English major really can be successful.

I went to visit you yesterday, and it was even better. We talked about school, my trepidations (you called me crazy), as well as what's been going on with you. I didn't realize how much of a big deal you are :P.

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