Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 250 - Back to School, Back to Craziness.

Sorry for no post in a while - I've been kind of busy with the beginning of school. But here's what's been going on:

Sunday everyone just hung out - we had a "family" reunion dinner, and just went all over the place for food, hanging out, and desserts. Monday was a blast: a group of us dressed up in our favorite sundresses, coats, and boots and treked over to the Law Quad in a misty rain and the cold to take some amazing "family" photos. It was a blast, except for the fact that I had goosebumps for hours afterward. The pictures turned out really well, and I've already gotten some of them printed at CVS to put on my photo wall.

Tuesday was the beginning of classes, and boy, did I have to hit the ground running. I had class from 11-4, with no breaks in between. But here's a recap:

11-12: Linear Algebra. Overall, the class went well; the material we're learning right now is painfully boring, but the teacher is decent. It seems as if he isn't comfortable speaking in front of people, because his hand kept shaking, and he wouldn't look anyone in the eye. Though he's not a bad teacher, the class seemed to drag on - I'm not sure whether it was the slow progress of the material, or whether it was just because it was the first class of the year. Anyway, I checked my watch (or, rather, Henry's watch) about every 2 minutes beginning 20 minutes into class (it's a 50 minute class).

12-1: Honors Calculus 3. This. Class. Is. Amazing. I love love love the professor, and the material isn't going too quickly. I mean, it probably helps that I have seen the material before (I took a Calc 3 online course in high school), but still. The professor said we could call him Alejandro, as long as we didn't sing the Lady Gaga song when we said it. He's pretty funny. He also said that the quintessential image we need ingrained in our mind to picture 3-D space is a cereal box. Preferably Lucky Charms. Yes, he is that amazing.

1-2:30: Literary Theory. The professor is British, so I don't mind listening to her talk, though the classroom was unbearably stuffy and there seemed to be way too many people in a tiny little room. I had a friend in this class, so it was great to have a familiar face (I have groups of friends in both math classes) ,and I also saw some people from my English classes from last semester, which was great as well. Unfortunately, I sat right next to a guy who I wanted to punch in the face whenever he raised his hand. Really, though, this guy was a major prick: name-dropping who he had read, acting all snobby, throwing out fancy words just to raise himself up. We had to write our own definition of "literature" and he made his all complex and everything, then scoffed when I gave mine. I was like, "Hey dude, I understand that I don't use hoity-toity words in my definition, but that doesn't mean that my opinion on what literature is is any less valuable than yours." But I didn't. I wish I had the guts to.

2:30-4: Asian-American Literature. This was the class I was most hesitant about. It was the last one I chose, and was the class that put me at 18 credits (the maximum allowed in one semester). Overall, it was really fun. Our teacher spent the first half hour or so having us pass our Chi around the room - she wanted the "good energy" to flow through us. Then we decided that what we learned from the exercise was that she was Crazy. With a capital C. The syllabus doesn't look too bad - lots of online readings and such, until the end of the semester, where she wants us to read two books a week. That might be a problem.

After class, I went to the Cupcake Station with some friends to pick up cupcakes (did you guess that?) for a friend's birthday. She turned 20. It's crazy how old we're all getting.

We had dinner at a nice dorm, and then had a hall meeting at 9:00. Pretty standard. Don't smoke pot, don't drink copious amounts of alcohol, be respectful, clean the bathrooms, etc.. We went up and had cupcakes for the birthday celebration, and then I did homework and went to bed.

Today I had both math classes and another English course: Shakespeare's Early Plays. I've had the professor before (for Intro to Poetry last semester), and that was the reason I took the course. I think it's going to go well - yes, I have to read a play each week, and yes, it will be demanding. But he's such an amazing professor, I really don't mind.

What will be a problem is the fact that I intentionally made my schedule thinking that math homework would be due on Fridays, so I made my Thursday classes light (I only have two English classes tomorrow). But nope. In both of the math classes, the homework will be due on a Wednesday. And yes, I have 5 hours of class on Tuesdays.

This'll certainly be an interesting semester. But surprisingly, I really can't wait to see how it all turns out.

I have a feeling things will be great.

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