Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 246(?) - Cheering from the North

So much has happened in the last couple of days.

Thursday was full of packing, because Friday I moved into my dorm (the same dormitory as last year, same roommate, but different room). It was so humid yesterday - it felt like Louisiana right before the afternoon storm, but it stayed like that the entire day. It was amazing to see all of my friends again: Nicolette, Brighid, and Leah came later, but it was great to see Julia, Elizabeth, and Michelle before the day ended. I went to dinner with Julia and Anna, whi was dressed as Madonna for spirit practice for color guard (the flags on the field during the pre-game and half-time show).

Today I woke up early and a group of 11 of us went to the local Farmer's Market. I snapped some nice shots, and got a great loaf of bread to make sandwiches.

We came back to the dorm for brunch (I missed the vanilla cinnamon bagels oh so much) and then split up to just hang out for a bit. I worked on room decorations and finally finished putting all of my photos up. It's crazy how quickly school has become to feel like home. After that, I went to Espresso Royale to read with a friend (we were using it for the air conditioning) and then followed it up with a visit to Starbucks to meet with a girl I met last year in my poetry class. It was so nice to see her again, and we definitely still have a lot to talk about.

I came back to my dorm and just putzed around for a bit - hung out with other people, and ended up going back to the Farmer's Market to pick up some extra virgin olive oil to dip the bread in (I didn't realize when I bought it that it was the type of bread for oil, not margarine). They didn't have any normal containers to put it in (it was a co-op grocery store, and the oil was in a tub with a spigot), so I grabbed the next best thing: a bear people usually put honey in. His name is Giuseppe, the Italian honey bear. We figured Italian bears would like oil better than honey anyway.

I had an amazing dinner date with one of my friends, and then a bunch of people came to hang out in our room. Oh, and the power went out. For an hour and a half. It was great. Really.
I bonded with my hall mates by bringing them cookies, and we actually got to know each other, all while playing Catch Phrase and Taboo. It was really fun, until someone told us the power was back on. Then everyone dispersed. Then people came over.

I went to take a shower (about a half hour ago) and because it's a bit of a walk to the bathroom, I brought a bathrobe this year. It's pretty. But pretty short. Still decent, but short (not one of the ones that goes down to your ankles). Anyway, I was coming back from the shower and there were two guys trying to hide a beer box in the recycling, and they let me through without too much trouble. They were honestly kind of embarrassed (they're freshman, and I was a sophomore girl standing with dripping hair while they struggled with folding a box ... I'd be embarrassed too). I passed their room, and a guy comes out holding an unopened beer bottle. I pass him, and the next thing I know, I hear a low whistle.

It's clear that they're keeping it classy.

As strange as it was ... I do have to admit that it's nice to know that I'm somewhat decent looking even after I've stepped out of the shower. :)

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