Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 136 - A song that makes you cry (or nearly)

Don't watch the video. Just listen to the song.

I'm not sure why this always gets me, but it does. Especially if I try to sing along ... I just can't. Maybe it's because it's so ... deep. It's not a song about sex, or drugs, or a guy just looking for a play-thing. This is the real deal: he loves her. He really really loves her.

Unlike some of the more popular songs of today, the song doesn't seem to be mournful because the girl isn't sure about what she wants (think "Grenade"), but rather, it seems to be pleading for the girl to give him a chance to express just how much he loves her.

And that's what gets me. I want her to say yes. I want her to love him back just the same.

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