Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 150 - Day Two in Gumboland

So I know I promised the rest of the trip, but I also realized that all of the photos I thought I had taken were, in fact, from day 1 of the drive. May I just say that it wasn't all that interesting? I slept through half of Mississippi (a very boring state), and actually missed us entering Louisiana.

Today has been more notable:

8:15: wake up (the earliest in a while) and lounge around a bit. Get breakfast (unfortunately we only had plain, boring Cheerios) and read the local paper (well, the comics, mostly). Then it was time to pick out an outfit, straighten hair, douse it in anti-humidity hairspray, and get all pretty

11:30: my dad finally rolls out of bed (he has woken up at 4:00 a.m. to drive my mom to New Orleans so she could fly back to Michigan - it's an hour drive each way) and we spend a good chunk of time just watching a Law&Order marathon on TNT. I brushed a cat, took some photos, and perused the internet

3:45: my dad and I finally get our wits about us and decide to go down to the pool and tan for a bit. I slip into a bikini (VERY strange and different than in Michigan), spray on a generous amount of sunscreen, and head down. There was a group of 5 college-aged kids (2 girls [cheerleaders] and 3 guys [2 looked like football players]) who were doing cheerleading stunts in the pool. It was quite fun/funny to watch, so we stayed down at the pool for about an hour and half or so.

6:00: after getting back from the pool and cleaning up a bit (changing, showers, etc.) my dad and I head over to LSU to go to dinner at Chimes. The food was AMAZING - I had a blackened chicken breast sandwich, and may I say, the dorms CANNOT replicate the real thing. At all. The spices were spicy, but yet not too overpowering. All around delicious.

7:30: we finally get back home, after driving around a bit and looking at houses and such. I change into workout stuff and go down to the fitness center to work out a bit. I'm going to be frank: I'm going to be sore tomorrow. Overall, my workout summary:

  1. 30 minutes on the elliptical machine. Burned 300 calories. Incline 10/10, resistance 4. Total distance: 1.5 miles
  2. 30 minutes on stationary bike (upright). Burned 150 calories (was taking it easy). Program had me alternate between leisurely pedaling and rapid bursts of speed. Total distance: 4.75 miles
  3. Walk with my dad to cool down. Total distance: 0.5 miles
So, in all, I stepped/walked/biked over 6 1/2 miles. After sitting in the car for two days, I think my legs will be sore ... I'll take a day off of distance stuff and focus on core/abs tomorrow.

I swear I'm going to be ripped by the end of summer. And look great in a bikini.

Tomorrow's plans: work-out, grocery shopping, baking, and maybe some tanning. May go to Target or somewhere to get another bikini top to hide some tan lines ....

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