Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 182 - Text Twist and Freedom Writers

I have to admit, I quite possibly have an addictive personality. No, that's not to say that people become attached to me or need my presence. But rather, when I do something, I do it wholeheartedly, and nothing (or very few things) can try me away from the activity. Let me explain, using today as an example:

Went to school today (after waking up at 6:00 for the 5th day in a row, I might add) and stopped at the Starbucks in the bookstore. I'm becoming famous there, since I introduced the baristas to my new favorite drink: a tall, nonfat no-whip double chocolate chip frappuccino made with white chocolate mocha. It is amazing - just like drinking an Oreo. The baristas have been making extra of it, so they can put it in small cups and have some for themselves- it's quite amusing. Anyway, I went today and got one, and then stopped at a bagel stand to get some breakfast (I was dragging this morning and forgot to grab food before leaving). I tried a vanilla cinnamon bagel, toasted, with light honey butter. Absolutely delicious.

So I went and sat in the lobby of the building where my class is held, and just read more of The Freedom Writers. Finished another 30 pages or so, and then went to class. During the lecture, I kept looking up things related to the Freedom Writers (as well as checking to see if yesterday's post had posted - it hadn't).

Class was dismissed and I headed home. Eventually made lunch, and then just lounged around for a bit, you guessed it, reading The Freedom Writers. That's what I did most of my afternoon. Well, until I tore myself away from it to start my newest obsession: Text Twist.

It's a computer game where you have to figure out what words can be made out of the letters you're given. It's kind of like an anagrams game, and you're timed, and it's fantastic.

I've had two games: one ended with around 150,000 points. The one I'm still playing is sitting at 345,000 points. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do when I have to go to bed (which is soon).

Tomorrow my brother flies in for the weekend to celebrate the Fourth of July with us. It should be fun to have him around ... if anything it will force me to be social!

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