Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 191 - Facebook Freedom

I woke up this morning around 8:00 a.m. after having a dream that everything in our garage in MI was stolen (including my car). I cried in my dream, and woke up freaking out. Yes, I would cry about my car. He and I have a strong relationship (please pretend that that's not weird). I lounged around for a bit, mostly reading and such, and then wandered out to get breakfast. We had French toast and sausage. Yummmmm.

Planned menus for the week with my mom, then went out shopping by myself. Talked with one of my friends from up north, came back, tanned for a bit. Not super exciting.

This afternoon/evening I've basically just been hanging out. Made some pudding. Played cards with my mom. Watched Law & Order with my parents. Read. A lot. Texted with friends.

Oh, and I deleted him from being my friend on Facebook. Yes, it was pretty momentous. But I realized that it would give me clocure. I won't try to "check up" on him, and then get upset. I won't be able to see how he's saying the same things to her that he did to me. He won't be a part of my life, which will be good.

I'm also debating deleting my Facebook. I've realized recently exactly how much we are attached to social networking sites now, and yes, I understand that I'll be in the minority. But I'm not saying the lack of profile would be forever, just maybe for a week, or two, or a month. The end of the summer, tops. Maybe until I get back to the state of Michigan. It'll be a little experiment.

Yes, that means that the only way to contact me would be through texting, and maybe the occasional Skype. Yes, I know that it means that I may not talk to as many people. No, these facts do not scare me, and no, they do not sway me from my probable decision. No Facebook means that I spend less time on the computer, it means that I won't spend hours just sitting on the computer (though I definitely would still blog ... I think I'd go crazy without it). No Facebook would mean that I can get back to my past, and reenact a summer where I just sit around and read, go on adventures, and have fun without technology.

Yes, it's a crazy idea. And yes, I'm going to do it. This is my last week of Facebook. I'd better make the best of it.

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