Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 192-193 - Reading MARATHON

Sorry for no post yesterday, I was buried under 3421 pages of books.

Yes. I totaled the pages. And yes, I am hoping to read all of those pages in a week. Let me explain:

Yesterday morning, my mom and I went to the Baton Rouge library. I got a library card (I know, it was a shocker that I haven't had one ...) and they made the mistake of telling me I could have 50 things checked out. Challenge accepted.

I left library branch #1 with four books: three in a series, and fourth one that just looked cool. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any of the Harry Potter books, which I was hoping to get and re-read. So we head off to library branch #2.

This is the library that I've been studying at, so I know the shelves pretty well.  I found the one book I was looking for (The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear) and saw that the author had written two other books. I grabbed those, thinking that if this library didn't have the Harry Potters I was looking for, I would still leave with a pretty good haul. Turns out they didn't have the books, so I left with the three I grabbed.

Seven books, not too bad for a day's work. Granted, they come up to mid-shin when stacked on the ground, and total over 3,000 pages of reading material. But still, I've done worse (how much worse, you probably don't want to know). Well, the problem I encountered was that I was still 150 pages short of finishing The Freedom Writer's Diary, so what did I do? Grabbed a reading pillow, blanket, and just hunkered down on the ground and read in my room.

Freedom Writer's Diary: completed. 1 1/2 hours.
The Diamond of Drury Lane: started. 220/419 done.

Went to bed around 12:30, after talking to my friend about her visit here.

This morning, woke up and talked to the same friend about her flights, and then realized "shoot, she's coming in a week. I need to finish reading all of these before she comes. Otherwise, everyone I have ever met will consider me a failure." Yes, that is what I thought. Yes, I understand it's ridiculous. No, I still have not changed my goal.

So today my mom and I took a short excursion to the mall (we might go again tomorrow ... I need to find some grandma-appropriate sundresses for my trip in August). But other than that, I've just been reading.

The Diamond of Drury Lane: completed.
Cat Among the Pigeons: started. 58/367 done.

Hoping to finish the second book tonight. Let the marathon continue!

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