Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 186 - Study Marathon in the Genealogy Room

Today started like any other day: woke up, went to school (had a bit of a debacle about which car I could drive, since my car was running out of gas).

When I stopped at the Starbucks in the Barnes & Noble bookstore, the baristas started talking about how they should just know my usual drink by now. They were upset when I told them that my class ends this week! It was also really nice because one of the baristas offered to either give me her phone number, or have me give her mine, and she would tell me things about places to go and things to do in the city. She even offered to hang out! It's nice, since she also gave me a tip about where to study at the public library (apparently she works there too), and she's just really sweet.

Went after class to see my last exam (did rather well on it, thankyouverymuch). I went with another lady from class - she's coming back to school after 25 years (I think I mentioned her before) and it ends up she might not have done as well as she hoped. I offered to study with her before the exam, and part of me hopes she'll take me up on it - she seems really nice, and I really want her to succeed.

After getting home, my mom and I went out to run some errands: CVS for medications, Jason's for lunch, Office Depot for ink and flashcards. It was pretty exciting (please note sarcasm there). I finally got to the library and headed to the Genealogy Room, the place where the barista said was super quiet and only had cranky old men.

She was partly right: it was really quiet, but there was also an old woman. And a younger girl, maybe a bit older than me. I ended up staying there for close to 5 hours, just taking notes from my book and making some flashcards. Unfortunately, it looks as if I'll have to go there again tomorrow to take notes on another 50 pages from the book (I took notes on 70 pages today), make tons of flashcards, and start to actually figure out what this information is alluding to.

Came home, ate dinner, watched some TV with my parents, and now I'm just organizing the notes I've printed out, packing up my backpack/purse for tomorrow (going out to lunch with a friend from class) and will shower in a minute or so ... as soon as I press the "publish post" button.

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