Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 207 - No right arm.

Today has been a very long day. I woke up super early (well ... super early compared to when I have been waking up) and went to Lenscrafters with my mom to get her an eye exam and new glasses. I didn't do much, but did have some quality reading time while sitting in the lobby.

We eventually went out and ran errands: Walgreens, Office Depot, and Albertson's, and I got a lot of my school supplies. Granted, there will still be a Target run pretty soon to get the random things (electric kettle, tea, socks) but it feels great to have all of the school supply shopping done.

For the rest of the afternoon I've basically just been hanging out. My right wrist is absolutely killing me (hence the short post tonight), and even though I've had it in a brace for almost 10 hours, the pain just seems to get stronger. Right now it's not too bad, but the idea of chopping off my right arm has definitely crossed my mind. It has come to the point where I was in pain to chop up three zucchini for dinner, and having the brace off just for those few minutes hurt my wrist. I'm hoping that having it on throughout the night will help, and maybe tomorrow it'll be magically healed.

Otherwise, I'm going for the saw. After all, I am a lefty ... my right hand is just superfluous, right?

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