Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 184 - Pawn Stars and Bigfoot

Another day chock full of nothing. Woke up at 6:15 a.m. when my brother's phone went off. And again at 6:45. And yet again at 7:15. I think it's safe to say that I didn't have a very restful night of sleep. We finally woke up around 8:30 and had pancakes and sausage for breakfast (yummy).

My family and I just watched Pawn Stars for some of the morning - there was a marathon on. And then later in the afternoon, there was another marathon of Finding Bigfoot. Yup. I got hooked.

It was a pretty uneventful day - my mom and I went shopping and drove right into a storm, which then followed us from store to store. We went to the fruit stand I raved about the other day, but it was pouring out, so I didn't take my camera out of the car. Though I loved the way the rain sounded on the tin roof. So therapeutic, even though the rest of the shoppers didn't really enjoy it.

We got soaked, then came home to make dinner (marinated pork, twice-baked potatoes, and fresh corn-on-the-cob). Played cards with my Mom, watched more Pawn Stars, brushed the cat. Oh, and my brother got part of earbud stuck in his ear. It was extracted with the help of tweezers. It was also pretty hilarious.

Tomorrow is probably doing more of nothing - my brother leaves in the evening, we'll cook out (even though we can't continue our tradition of having coney dogs on the Fourth), and I'll probably end up doing some homework to stay ahead of stuff in class. Maybe I'll read, too. And tan.

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