Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 208 - A Blizzard as a Shadow

Today my mom went to the dentist, and ended up staying for close to 5 hours. She came home and I made her some pudding to eat. She's up and moving around now, and she was able to talk on the phone right after she came back, but I still know her mouth is a bit tender.

Most of the day I just lounged around - watched 27 Dresses and Pawn Stars. Worked out for the first time in a while. It felt really good - ran on the treadmill (it was raining outside, so I couldn't go for a real run) and then biked for close to 45 minutes. It always helps me to bring a giant book to read while I exercise, but I was disappointed with the gym facility - they turned the music up so that it was rather loud and I couldn't concentrate much.

I came back and talked to my cousin about some details for my visit next week (I'm super excited about it!!) and then just hung around and had dinner. I've taken a shower, cleaned my bathroom, tidied my closet, sorted laundry into loads, and made sugar cookies ... all while having a cat as my shadow.

No, I'm not kidding. Blizzard (the weird cat who likes to "hide") has been trailing me all day. I didn't mind it for the first four hours, but when she continually whines and butts her head against my calf, my patience wears thin. I must admit, I shoved her out of the way a couple of times (I didn't kick her, I promise!). She would be fine in my bedroom, where she would just hang out underneath my bed. but whenever I moved, or went to the kitchen, she would just want to "help," not realizing that cats really shouldn't try to help take cookies out of a hot oven.

Let's just hope tomorrow isn't another "mommy's little helper" days.

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