Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 183 - Pandora Country and Computer Games

I'm turning into a country girl, I swear to you. No, I don't have a drawl (yet), and no, I still haven't eaten crawfish. Nor do I plan to. But I am listening to country music almost exclusively. It's pretty interesting how long my list of songs is that I want to get.

Right now, my song list:

Knee Deep
If I Die Young
Dirt Road Anthem
Shotgun Girl
Teenage Daughters
Just A Kiss
Honey Bee
Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not
If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away

And yes, these songs are only from my latest Pandora station ... there were a ton more on my last one, but unfortunately my computer died without saving the playlist. Darn. But I guess that means I just have to listen more!

I've also been playing some of the "hidden objects" computer games. Probably more than is healthy for one day .... my eyes are definitely going to need some rest tonight!

In other news: my brother landed safely and is visiting for the long weekend. We've basically just hung around the house today, but tomorrow it sounds as if we'll go to Natchez, MS to walk around and visit some shops. I'm taking Beckett, so expect pictures.

Well, probably time for me to call it a night. I'll wait for 11:11 to make a wish, and then head to bed.

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