Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 195-196 - A Sickly Sensation

So Thursday and Friday I felt super sick, so I decided not to post, since all you would hear would be "ahhh, my stomach hurts .... why aren't the meds working?!?"

Now you get a somewhat coherent post about nothing in particular.

Thursday: nothing of note happened. I laid on the couch, or in my bed, most of the day. My mom and I made a cake in order to satisfy our cravings of something sweet. It was a yellow cake, frosted with chocolate. And it was delicious.

Friday was pretty much the same thing: I had about 28394 pieces of cake (no exaggeration, at all) and lounged around again. Went out to lunch to get some Raising Cane's (best chicken ever) and then went back home to chill out some more.

I've been reading a ton, but yesterday I just kinda stopped. No real reason why, but I just didn't want to anymore. Which is a slight problem, since I have four more books to go through, plus the one I'm currently reading, and I was hoping to do it all before Tuesday, when my friend comes to visit. But I guess now I'll just have some books to read by the pool when we tan.

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