Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 197 - Stories, Showers, and Slug-a-bugs

Today wasn't filled with much of anything.

I woke up to a phone call from my friend who is travelling down here next week - she had a bit of a crisis last night, but I was more than happy to wake up and talk to her this morning. When I finally rolled out of bed, I wandered to the kitchen to make waffles for my dad and I.

Then came the boring part of the day: I did some laundry (and even put it away too!), watched TV, Skyped with a friend from school (it was so great to talk to her!), read (some ....), watched TV (probably more than I should have), and just have been putzing around doing odd little things (transferring tables and lists to the corresponding OneNote notebook pages).

My mom, dad, and I eventually went out to Hobby Lobby [my mom needed white fabric] and went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. It was pretty good ... though I didn't plan the best by wearing skinny jeans to a place where you're supposed to eat your weight in food. Oops.

I came home, parents went to work out, and I made my Summer playlist (complete with new country songs!) and cleaned (bathroom, closet) and have been writing (a new story, thought of the idea on our way to dinner, but it's too soon to tell how I'm going to like the overall product). Hopefully I'll Skype with another friend tonight, but then it's early to bed so I can actually be productive tomorrow!

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