Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 198 - Skype and Make-Up

Today was another day of nothing-ness. Or at least nothing super super productive.

Woke up and learned that my dad had already gone into the office to work for a bit. It was expected, but I didn't realize he would be gone by 10:00 a.m.! Made myself some french toast (not too great, but I was also still groggy) then chatted with some friends online.

I ended up being super bored and actually caring what I looked like, so I straightened my hair super well and put on all sorts of make-up. It was a surprise. I looked like a Barbie doll. It was unnerving, but acceptable.

After making myself look all pretty (which I promptly followed by throwing a sweatshirt on), I Skyped with one of my best friends who is visiting next week (I am so excited to see her again!).

The afternoon/evening passed in a blur. Good movies (Legally Blonde and Mean Girls) were on TV, so I watched some of those, we had dinner (I had toast) and I downloaded some new songs to add to my summer playlist.

For the past 45 minutes, I've been looking at my own Facebook page (I'm backlogged to September 2010) and have been debating with my mom exactly what our plans are for tomorrow. It sounds as if I need to get up early, get ready, and then am her personal assistant at some sewing thing. It should be interesting .... but I'd best be getting to bed.

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