Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 188-190 - Australopithe-what?

Sorry I've been missing for the last couple of days - I just took my final exam today for the class I've been taking, and the studying for it was rather brutal. Let me recap:

Went to class, where we finished learning an impossible amount of information. Went to the library to study - ended up staying close to 5 hours. Came home, hung out, relaxed, went to bed super early.

No class because our professor was "gracious" and gave us a study day. Though I do appreciate it, I would also have appreciated it if she hadn't buried us alive with material. I spent close to 7 hours in the library, which included reading notes, taking quizzes, studying an insane amount of flashcards, and just praying that this was all just a big joke and that everyone would get an A. Came home around 4:00 p.m. and continued to study.

I was a bit ticked off throughout the day, because I had received an email from a classmate asking (well ... assuming) for me to send him my notes. All of them. For the entire last unit of class. It ends up that he really just can't be bothered with coming to class. I feel as if I have a legitimate excuse for saying this, since I had already sent him eight days of notes. That's almost a whole week and a half of class that he missed .... plus the week he was asking for ... so that's 2 1/2 weeks of class he missed in a 4 week course. Really?

So I did the only mature thing I could think of ... I just didn't respond. And when I did, I told him I couldn't send him the notes. Sorry, buddy. But I'm sick of being taken advantage of.

Today I woke up, and went to school. Got there super early and just sat in the commons studying. I started to feel bad for the guy I snubbed yesterday, and since I had received a couple more desperate emails from him, I sent him the notes with an hour to spare before the exam. I considered that generous .... I mean, no, it didn't give him a ton of time to prepare, but he should have thought of that when he decided not to come to class.

Took the exam, and I think it went moderately well. No, I don't think I got a 100% on it, but I also know that I got what I needed to: a 20%. Yup, that's right, I needed a whopping 20% in order to pass the class and get transfer credit at U of M. Which meant that I needed to get 10 points on the exam; I could have answered all the true/false questions correctly and just skipped the multiple choice and essays altogether. But I didn't, don't worry.

Came home, and ended up going to my dad's office for lunch (he had to go in because his boss and two of his co-workers are on vacation/trips next week and they had to get things in order). It was pretty fun.

I came home and finished making an answer key to a Wordly Wise book my mom asked me to. Looked up Harry Potter books, and watched the 4th Harry Potter movie. I must admit, I love the Yule Ball portion of it. Absolutely love it.

Now I'm just catching up with blogging (both on here and Tumblr) and making a to-do list for Monday.

  • read
  • get library card
  • find HP books at library
  • reread HP books
  • return parking permit
  • order transcript
That's all that I have right now, but I'm sure more will be added. Mostly to do with reading.

By the way, I have a new goal: read at least two books per week for the rest of the summer. I figure that will keep my brain active, and will give me something to do. I'm not imposing any rules on myself, other than reading mostly from the stock of books I brought down with me from school (the ones that I bought at book stores and just didn't have time to read). Hopefully it works out!

Now I'm off to read The Freedom Writer's Diary for a bit before finally turning in.

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