Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 202 - Goodnight Mike!

Today Lizzie and I woke up pretty late (around 11:00-ish). What neither of us realized was that the other one was actually awake when it looked like we were sleeping .... so since neither of us wanted to wake the other up, we both just stayed still. Oops.

We finally got up, had lunch (since breakfast time had definitely passed), and then made a absolutely disgusting cake-in-a-mug thing. I mean, this thing was gross. The sides were slimy, the inside was dry, the eggs tasted cooked, there really was no peanut butter taste, and the glaze just soaked into the cake to make it squishy. Gross.

We went down to the pool, and got a little sun. Last night, my parents bought us each a float-raft thing for the pool, so we had fun with those (trying to stay on them ... trying to push each other under the fountains ... playing games with them). It started to rain, so we decided to go back to the apartment and just hang out for a while. We went to the library (I needed a book) and to Starbucks (we both got venti teas) and to CVS (candy stop!). Coming back, we had dinner, and then went to see Mike the Tiger at LSU. Yes. It was exciting.

Mike VI was basically ripping up grass and trying to eat it (he forgot he was a carnivore). People were making noises and everything trying to get his attention, but he was pretty intent on ripping up the grass. We overheard a guy who said he went to see Mike two or three times per week, and he used to see the vet there and ask him tons of questions every day. He hasn't seen the vet in a couple of months - he comes in the mornings now. I don't blame him.

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