Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 185 - Fourth of July, Filled Flights, and Cat Vomit.

Yes, you read it right. Cat vomit.

Went to bed super late last night, didn't sleep well at all, and then finally got up around 10. Had breakfast (waffles and bacon ... yummmm) and then just kind of hung around for a bit.

I learned how to crochet Granny Squares, so that's a new project. Granted, it's not like I needed another project to do [I haven't finished the purple sweater from May, and have about half of a back of another sweater done], but they're fun, and fast. The yarn I'm using is navy, and I'm thinking that maybe I could make it Michigan themed and put a maize block M in the center of it. Yes. I am obsessed.

In the early afternoon, our cat Blizzard (yes, the one that isn't too skilled at hiding) started vomiting. It was pretty disgusting (as is most vomit) but we thought it was a one-and-done deal. Nope. It kept going. When we finally had to leave to go to the airport to drop my brother off for his flight back to the Mitten, we ended up locking both cats in the bathroom so as to contain everything. I feel so bad for her .... it's obvious tha she doesn't feel well .... but hopefully everything is okay!

Today I also made reservations to go visit my grandma and cousin at the beginning of August. I am super excited because not only will it mean that I'll go on a vacation, but also I get to visit some really fun people (well ... my cousin is fun, my grandma is relaxing). There was a bit of trouble, though, when I originally tried to reserve the flight, because I found out that the one flight I was hoping to get wasn't showing up on Delta's website. But yet it was on Orbitz. And believe it or not, I didn't really want a 5:00 a.m. flight out of Raleigh, NC, arriving in Baton Rouge at 4:00 p.m.. 12 hours of travel just didn't seem too appealing. Luckily everything worked out (I just ended up booking on Orbitz), and I'm all set to go!

Class tomorrow, and then to the library to do a marathon of studying and note-taking. It's going to be a blast.

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