Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 12 - The Person You Hate Most/Caused You a lot of Pain

I'd like to just say that I am incapable of hating anyone. And I'm not lying when I say that - I can certainly dislike someone, in fact, I can dislike them to the utmost degree. But I cannot say that I ever truly hate someone. Because even people who are displeasing to me, or who have hurt me in unimaginable ways, have changed me into who I am, and have made me learn things about people that I never would have learned otherwise.


You may know who you are, or you may not. You also may or may not read this blog. But in any case, I guess I'd just like to say thank you. And I forgive you.

As strange as those two phrases may seem, they make sense to me. Thank you for showing your true character, for not deceiving me with your actions or intentions, and for allowing me to realize that maybe you weren't all you were cracked up to be. Thank you for forcing me to see a side of reality that I wouldn't see otherwise - the side where not everyone is perfect and where words (and actions) can certainly hurt me. Because of you, I have had to learn more about myself than I had to before, and what you did has allowed me to make sure that I'm not doing the same things.

I'd like you to know that I forgive you. Sometimes it hasn't been easy for me to let go, but, quite frankly, life isn't meant for holding grudges. It's meant for living. And I cannot truly live until I find the strength to forgive those who have hurt me. I believe I have found that strength, so why don't we try to start again?

Hi. My name is Claire. And you are?
It's so nice to meet you.

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