Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 30 - Your Reflection in the Mirror

Dear me,

You have your flaws. Your dark secrets and your unspeakable fears. You have your off moods, and days where it seems like nothing goes right. You have your procrastination methods, and are sometimes quick to get irritated. You have your ups, and your downs, and your all-arounds. You have the running-around-like-a-chicken-with-its-head-cut-off moments, as well as "I really should be doing something, but let's just go on Facebook instead" moments. You can make rash decisions, and have many regrets.

But you also are quick to laugh, and crack corny jokes. You love snow, and winter, and water. You know mathematical proofs and English literature, along with the Swedish national anthem and all of the verses to Amazing Grace. You have sweaters that feel like hugs, and pass those hugs along to those who need them. You love learning, and are learning to love. You appreciate what you have been given, and try to give to others who may not be as lucky as you are, whether it be in emotional or material ways. You have dreams and ambitions, and strive to reach them. To top it all off, you have the best family and friends a person could ask for, who support you in your endeavors, whether they be small or large, and who are there for you even in what seems like the darkest hour.

You may not be perfect, and some days you may look in that mirror and hate what you see. But you are beautiful. And, most importantly, you are what makes me ... well ... me.

Love always.

(p.s. I made it. 30 days. Every post. And it certainly doesn't seem like that long!! Only 335 more days)

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