Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 31 - Your Favorite Song

A new month, a new 30 day challenge. Well, I know that it's not the end of January, but it's close enough. So here begins the month of songs: for 30 days I'll try to pick a song that fits the category best. And I'll try to include a YouTube video (sometimes all I'll want you to do is listen to it, if you want to, instead of watch the video ... depending on whether there's a decent video to go with the song).

I went on my iTunes and picked a couple of songs that are my favorites right now: Brad Paisley's "Mud on the Tires," John Mayer's "Free Fallin'," and a couple of others. But I saw this at the top of my "most played" sorting, and I knew that this has got to be the song that fits the category. It may be a Christmas song, and it may not be one of John Groban's most famous songs, but it's perfect. Just listen to the lyrics.

Whenever I'm in a bad mood, Groban can cheer me up. Not only because of his amazingly soothing voice, but also because he gives me hope. There are the days where I forget to look around the world, and see past my own thoughts and troubles. I know I need to get out of my own little world and look around to see that everyone has problems too. This song helps me. It laments with me and my troubles, but gently reminds me that there are worse things in life.

After all, "It's up to us to be the change. And even though we all can still do more, there's so much to be thankful for."

What am I thankful for? Lots of things. For my family, and friends. And the ability to go to college and get an amazing education. For being loved, and being able to love. For having food, and clothes, and a bed to sleep in. And right now, I'm also thankful for this song.

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