Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3 - To My Parents

This post seems especially relevant - in the past 48 hours, I have had to say goodbye to both of my parents. Saturday morning my mom, brother, and I left Baton Rouge (where my dad works) to return up north for school. Just this morning, I left my hometown to come back to school.

I don't even know how to start this, other than to say thank you. You have raised me to be a wonderful person (if I can say so myself), and have supported me through everything: horseback riding, figure skating, tennis, golf, school, clubs, college, life. I know we've had our little spats, our little "you're not the boss of me" moments, the "Sue me," "Fine, I get Dad" arguments. But everything always ends up alright.

This past year has been tough on all of us. But we've made it through it, and I'd like to think that I'm no more worse for wear. It has taught me so much more than I thought that I could learn; I've learned to get over my fear of flying, because I know know that whenever I get on a plane, it'll be worth it; I've learned that family is more important than anything, and to not take it for granted. Ever.

I know that I can be stubborn, indecisive, temperamental, emotional, distant, stressed, and argumentative. But you've always loved me. Even when I am at my worst, I know that you two will always be there fore me: Mom with the hugs and reassuring words, Dad with the phone for pizza and ice cream.

So thank you. For being my supporters. For taking the bad with the good. For putting up with me. And for always being there for me. I love you both too much to even describe.

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