Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2 - To My Crush

You're my on-again, off-again crush.

At first, I hated you - I thought you were the most annoying person to ever walk the planet. You teased me and flustered me, and, quite frankly, I had no idea what to do with you. But the more time we spent together, the more I realized that your teasing was only in jest, and we became closer.

Now I don't see you as much. I'm somewhat disappointed, but also realize that maybe it's for the better. Our relationship probably wouldn't have worked, no matter how much I willed it to. And I only saw one aspect of your life - I know it would be next to impossible to take the leap from only knowing one side of you to trying to grasp all aspects, because you're somewhat complex. It was also dangerous for me to like you - I was in no position to want you, but yet a part of me did. You were a temptation, and though neither of us acted upon anything, the enticement was still there. And it scared me to death.

Nevertheless, I do wish we could stay in touch. Our friendship may strengthen or weaken over time, and who know? You may just be my crush once again eventually. But either way, I hope we can stay friends, because I don't really know what I'd do without your light teasing and inside jokes - they were always guaranteed to make me smile.

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