Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 20 - The One that Broke Your Heart the Hardest

I was perusing Dear Old Love today, and one submission jumped out at me that works perfectly for today:

You broke my heart. But I take comfort in knowing you'll never be able to hurt me again.

So hello.

You may know who you are, or you may not. Sometimes I really can't tell with you. Nor do I really know if you realize that you broke my heart.

I've had let-downs before. The unrequited crush, the guy who moves away, the boy who likes some other girl. I've had my share of disappointments. But part of me thinks that you were the biggest let-down of all. That's not to say that I hate you, or that I look down upon you for what you did to me. Both of those statements are lies.

Instead, I look to you for multiple things. I look to you to see how you're getting along, because if you are doing well, then I should be doing well too. After all, I value your happiness over my own. I look to you for support, because I know that I wouldn't be where I am today without you. Granted, sometimes ... well ... most of the time ... you held me back. But I think that hurting me allowed me to be free - free to do things that I wanted to do, free to go where I wanted to go, and free to soar to heights that I never could have achieved with you. Most of all, though, I look to you in order to remember the past. You're a part of my history, and even though things might not have ended the way I thought I wanted them to, I think I would rather be where I am now than where I would be if you hadn't hurt me.

I measure other guys to your standard. But I'm not quite sure that that is a compliment. I see how much they're like you. If they aren't, then they're most likely better, and they're safe. If they remind me of you, or your habits and behaviors, then they're not good enough for me. I don't mean to sound conceited, but I realized after you broke my heart that if you were really good for me, then I wouldn't have been broken.

Or maybe I would have been broken even more, but you wouldn't have let it come to that.

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