Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 15 - Person You Miss the Most

There are a lot of people I could address this to. I think that there are different types of "missing" people; I miss people for lots of different reasons: their conversation, their hugs, their presence, our relationship. Some will get names, some won't. But here are little letters for everyone.

Dear Ida,
I miss you in all of the above ways. I miss the fun times we would have when we would hang out; the times we would play cards in my room, or sit at the library for hours. I remember the time when you came during the summer and we went to the park and you got a Mutants sweatshirt. You would tell me every time you wore it, just like I would tell you whenever I wore the Spence socks you bought me.
I miss it when we were together, but I guess it's absolutely amazing that we're still such good friends after all this time. I can't wait to see you again.

Hi you.
I miss you. And even though we still try to talk, I still miss you.I don't really know what it is about you, but whether or not we're together, there's always a part of me that misses you. Maybe not because we're separated, but rather because I know that eventually we will be. This may not make much sense - let me try to explain. Even when we're together, I'm always thinking about the time when we're not going to be together. It may seem pessimistic, but I'm also a realist. I know that we cannot ever stay together forever, but quite honestly, I'm not sure if I'd want to. I don't ever want to take you for granted. And I think I would if we were always together.

So I guess it'll just have to do for me to miss you. As much as we don't necessarily like it.

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