Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 14 - Someone You've Drifted Away From

I'm sorry - I guess it's technically day 15, but I'm JUST getting time to write this ...

Hey you two.

I'm not really sure why I'm writing you this letter, because I'm pretty sure you may read my blog. But if anything, this blog is allowing me to tell the truth in ways that I didn't think I could in person.

The title of this post is true - I feel as if I'm drifting away from you. It's like we were all a part of one iceberg but now, due to global warming, I've broken off from the rest. I'm floating slowly away. I don't necessarily notice it while it's happening, but looking back, some distance has definitely come between us.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not the biggest fan of drifting away from you two. But I guess the thing that upsets me the most is that it seems as if you haven't noticed it, or haven't cared. It looks like you've become closer (and I'm certainly glad that that connection is still alive), but I can still remember when it was us. I'm looking at everything and feel as if I've been forgotten. It may be easy to think that, since we haven't really all been in the same place for more than a day or two (and I know that that is partly my fault), but it also seems as if we don't share as much, that we don't talk as often, and what I'm slowly losing connections with you.

Maybe our lifestyles have changed too much to really completely "mesh." We all have changed, and maybe those changes have allowed you to get closer, while I, who doesn't share all of the same beliefs, is slowly pushed away.

I don't suggest that you mean to do it. Nor do I suggest that I'm helping the process along. But rather, I'm just saying what I've been thinking lately: that it's become 2+1, not 3. There is a difference. Believe me.

I wish that it wasn't like this. But I don't really know what I can do to help fix the situation. And I don't really know if you want it to be fixed. But by all means, let me know if you read this. Maybe we can work something out.

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