Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 28 - Someone that changed your life

There are a ton of people who this could go out to - I'm truly not exaggerating when I say that everyone that I come in contact with changes my life, even if it is just for a moment. And there are a lot of people who I would love to write this letter to. If I could, I would write to each and every one of them, and maybe I will by the end of this year. Quite frankly, I'm still debating who to write this letter to even as I type this sentence. And this one. And even this one. It's not an easy decision. But here it goes ....

Hey Rob,

I know you've already gotten a letter (Day 4 maybe?) but I think you deserve another one. How have you changed my life? It's impossible to list all of the ways, but let me try and express some of them.

Well, first off, you're my brother. So it's no wonder that you have changed my life. We've only kind of, sort of grown up together. I remember the little things from growing up, the lemonade stands out by the curb (free ice!!), the Flintstone cars, and the Klutz family adventures.

You've changed my views of dedication - even when swimming meant getting up at 4:15 a.m., or giving up Christmas break, or long days and hair that resembled the mange, you didn't give up. It seemed like whenever you couldn't swim, you couldn't wait to get back to it. Watching you swim for so long not only allowed me an outlet for cheering loudly, but also taught me to never give up. And even though you don't swim now, I still look to you for an example of dedication, a reminder to keep on going, even when the going is not so pleasant.

You've also taught me to let loose and be myself. I've broken out of my shell, and stepped outside my comfort zone, which is something that you aren't afraid to do. Your extroversion used to sometimes get on my nerves, I'm not going to lie, but especially in college, I've learned that extroversion is the only way to make new friends, and to be myself doing it. Your ability to make friends even on the shortest of trips has always impressed me, and someday I wish that I can do that: make bonds that are strong but not fake, lasting but not oppressing.

But despite all of these outside influences that you have, you still do what is best for you. Certainly, it seems as if you try to make other people proud, but ultimately, I know that your intentions are your own. You don't do things because someone you know wants you to - you do them because you want to.

Well, I know that I want you to know that you've changed my life. In so so many ways. But I like that - I like that a lot (even if I don't always show it).

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