Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 32 - Your Least Favorite Song

So this was hard. I looked on my iPod and couldn't really find a song that I really didn't like ... or rather, that I never liked ever. I guess I should try to explain that: I go through phases. I listen to songs non-stop, but then can never listen to them again (or have to wait an extremely long time before I can bear to hear them). So I found a song that I used to love, well ... used to like. But now I just can't stand it - and I honestly wonder why I ever had it on any playlist in the first place.

I was shown this song by a friend. It is his favorite band. And for a while I had this song, along with another 311 song (Daisy Cutter) on my playlist. But listening to it again, I really wonder what I found in the song. I don't particularly like the musical aspect of it, and the lyrics are ... alright. Maybe. I mean, I guess it's cool that in the end it's talking about music, but really? A song about music being your best friend? I don't know ... it just doesn't strike me as all that great anymore. Not that it was ever all that great to begin with .....

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