Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 40 - A song that makes you fall asleep

Let me just put it out there: I heard this song before it because popular because of Twilight. I swear.

For a while, this was the song I would listen to in the car if I wanted to go to sleep, or if I just couldn't get my mind to slow down when I was going to bed. The lullaby really is a lullaby - the soft piano notes can fade into the background of your dreams, and the melody suggests an ending - the gradual tempo reduction lulls the listener into sleep.

I'll be honest - I'm not particularly one for listening to music before bed. Especially songs with lyrics. I find that

  1. I always want to sing along to the lyrics, which isn't really conducive to falling asleep
  2. One song leads to another (I'm very much like the mouse in If You Give a Mouse a Cookie)
  3. Before I know it, it's an hour after I meant to go to bed, and I'm tired the next morning
  4. When I DO finally wake up the next morning, I inevitably have the songs that I listened to the night before stuck in my head ....
Most of these aren't really big issues ... except for #4. Some of my friends know that I can NEVER get songs out of my head once they are stuck there. They'll stay there for days. And I'll go crazy, quite literally, trying to get the song out of my head.

But, for some reason, that doesn't happen with River Flows in You. I'm not quite sure why, but I'd rather just leave it at that. I'm afraid that if I try to figure out why it doesn't get stuck in my brain, that it will get stuck in there, and then I don't know what I'd do.

Well, other than go crazy.

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