Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 46 - A song that you used to love but now hate

This might go along with an earlier post (I'm not sure which day, but the post about a song that I hate). Unfortunately, this title holds true for a decent amount of songs. Usually I'll listen to a song non-stop (and I really do mean non-stop) and then can't listen to it for months. It's not that I hate the song, it's just that I loved it so much to begin with that I can't listen to it anymore without feeling sick. And, if in that month time that I need to take a break from the song, I hear it, my dislike for the song grows.

So here is a song that fits this label - and it was played so much during the time when I really didn't need to hear it, that I believe I've grown to hate it:

I used to listen to this song NON-STOP. Really, I mean non-stop. But now I can hardly get through the opening chords. I'm not being dramatic, and I know it's a good song, but I just can't listen to it. It's kind of like when you know that something is going to taste delicious, but you just can't eat it because you've eaten stuff like it recently (for college kids this seems to traditionally be Ramen and Mac & Cheese ...).

Maybe one day I'll be able to listen to it again. And I hope I can - I remember how much I used to love it. But right now I can't. I just can't.

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