Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 53 - A song that you want to play at your wedding.

There are a couple of songs I would want to play at my wedding, but I don't know all of them yet. Of course, I'll probably have the traditional wedding march, and I'd like to eventually have my new-husband and I's "song" play sometime during the reception, no matter how outdated it is. But other than that? I'll have to think ... I know there are some songs that I personally love, and can somewhat imagine them at my wedding ... maybe.

I've always loved this song. And the music video. I think that the song is just the sweetest, and ... well ... I guess I just don't really know. I'd always heard the song at the most random times, and no matter what mood I was in, this song was guaranteed to put a smile on my face. It may be Howie Day. It may be the lovey-dovey aspect of the song. And it may be because there's just some emotion that seems to transcend the lyrics that makes this song stick in my heart.

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