Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 56 - A song you can play on an instrument

I know how to play this song on the piano. I stumbled across it one day when I was looking for new piano music, and, lo and behold, I fell in love with it.

Though I hadn't played it in (quite literally) months, the other day I had a lot on my mind. So I borrowed a music practice room in my dormitory and sat down at the piano, intending to just punch on some keys to let out my frustration. Or just sit there and listen to the gorgeous tunes coming from the other rooms. But instead, I found that my fingers moved along the keyboard and played this song. Completely from memory.

This song soothes me - it allows me to think while still enveloping me in peacefulness. It's kind of like a friend who is there if you need to talk, but is also nice to just have around as another person. But here, the song gives me the chance to think things through, to contemplate the dilemmas I am facing, but also fill the room with butterflies and reassurance.

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