Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 37 - A song that reminds you of a certain event

Wow. There are just so many of these songs to choose from. There are the obvious ones: soundtracks and orchestral music from the movies and plays that I've seen, my friends and I's "theme songs," and the songs that are quintessentially meant for certain moments (graduation, weddings, funerals, school fight songs ...). But here's one that seems a bit out of the ordinary.

This song reminds me of crossing the Cincinnati bridge into Kentucky. It seems weird. I know it does. But this is the song to listen to when crossing over - especially when crossing from Kentucky to Cincinnati.

How did this song become the theme song of that bridge? Let me explain:

I'm slightly in love with the movie Love Actually. It is one of three movies that I watch on a regular basis, and it one of the sweetest movies I know ... really. So one day, I got the soundtrack, and started listening to it. Nonstop. Well, I had gotten the soundtrack when we were in Baton Rouge, so on our drive back up north, this song came on. Right as we reached the bridge.

When you're driving from Kentucky to Cincinnati and cross this bridge, you're surrounded on all sides - there's the river below you, and metal supports on both sides. Above you is the southbound highway. The view is stunning. So not only do you get the gorgeous view while you're on the bridge, but as soon as you exit the tunnel/bridge, there it is: Cincinnati.

Most of the time when we were driving back, we would hit this point just around dusk. So the city is lit up, we have the headlights on, and this song in the background. It seems as if we're driving to someone, and it's imperative that we get there. Soon. The song was meant for when the child ran through the airport, and I always wish that at the end of the song, someone would come and meet me. Or I would arrive somewhere where my loved one is.

It hasn't happened yet. But I know that I'll be driving across the bridge again. And I'll always be hoping for that special someone to be waiting for me at the end of the bridge.

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