Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 44 - A song no one would expect you to love

I've gotten a couple of these comments for a couple of different songs. The "Woah! Claire!! You listen to this?" or "Claire - do you actually know who sings this!?" (I notoriously live under a rock when it comes to all things music and pop culture related ...). But here's the most recent one - and one of the songs that I've heard the most surprise over.

I have to admit - I haven't watched the music video. But supposedly this is the clean version, so it can't be too bad, right? Maybe I'm just lying to myself.

In all honesty, I don't really know what drew me to this song. It might be the beat, it might be the repetition. It might be solely because it's something different, something that people wouldn't expect me to like. Who knows? But in any case, I have had a slight obsession with this song for about a month now.

But I'd just like to note, I haven't heard any of her other songs. Nor am I sure that I want to ... if I'm getting this much grief over one of them ....

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