Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 58 - A song that makes you feel guilty

This post is somewhat odd. Songs don't usually make me feel guilty, unless they're a guilty pleasure (which I've already written about). But maybe this will fit the bill:

So I guess you could put any Beatles song in here and it would still make me feel guilty (except for Here Comes the Sun). I'll try to explain why ... in letter form.


I'm sorry that I never gave the Beatles a chance. I know they were your favorite. You knew every song, every meaning behind the words. You would hum their songs, and were excited every time they came on the radio.

I'm not quite sure why I didn't give them a chance. I mean, years ago I was in love with Here Comes the Sun (hence the exception above). But other than that, none of their music really stuck with me after the first couple of times I listened to it.

But your love of the Beatles has made me feel guilty, even though I know that I don't have any reason to feel guilty anymore. After all, it doesn't really matter if I like them. It wasn't going to change the shape of the universe, or give me the meaning of life. It would have probably just been ... nicer ... of me to try to give them a chance, or at least tolerate them a bit more.

So here it is: I feel guilty for not liking the Beatles. I apologize to them. And I apologize to you.

I hope somewhere you're still humming the tunes. One of us should be.

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