Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 35 - A song that reminds you of someone

This is hard. I know that I've been saying that for most of the songs, but this one is really and truly hard. I mean, I have so many songs that I've listened to only with certain people, and so many of those are dear to my heart. But looking over the letters from last month, I realized that I didn't write one to a person that I wanted to. So here's a song that reminds me of them, and the letter I wish I had written.

Hey you.

I remember walking back from school with you one day in seventh or eighth grade, and you had just learned this song in choir. You started to sing it, and I loved it. Not only the melody and the chords, but also the message.

I realize that for a while, you raised me up. You supported me through lots of things: middle school, changing friends, changing priorities, and, most importantly, our changing friendship. I could always count on you to be there for me, until that one time.

We stopped talking one day. Or, rather, you stopped talking to me. And I've always kind of wondered, why?  Was it because someone told you to? I think we both know who that 'someone' would have been. Or did you think that our friendship was too far gone and just decided to give up without telling me?

It doesn't matter now. The damage was done. You let me fall after you had raised me up. And now I can't seem to get over that fact. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for upsetting you. I'm sorry for not "forgiving and forgetting." I'm sorry that I didn't ever follow up as to what happened.

But really, I'm sorry that the song isn't true anymore. I've realized over the years that I'm more without you than I was with you. You supported me, and lifted me to see new things, but those new things weren't at greater heights. They were only in a different direction. And I've realized, I much prefer the direction I'm heading now.

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