Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 42 - A song from a band you hate

Part of me doesn't even want to taint my blog with a song from this artist. But I guess I have to in the spirit of the blog ... so ... as much as I hate to do this:

I'm not even going to play it to see if the video works. I can't. I can't subject the other people in my room to this. And I enjoy the feeling of NOT having my ears bleed.

I do have to admit - as horrible as she is, and as much of a bad role model as she is, I do think that it is somewhat cool that she filmed part of her newest movie in my old high school. But that's about all that I can give her as far as positivity goes. Here are some of my issues:

  • Even when she was filming the movie at our school, she was apparently a major jerk if people wanted an autograph or something. I mean, I'm sorry, but if you plunk yourself down in the middle of Small-Town America, what do you expect??
  • I have a problem with her asking Nicholas Sparks to write a book for her. That's just a taboo. She's not THAT cool to have someone write her a book just because she wants it.
  • She doesn't act like a role model for the smaller kids who look to her. I mean, she KNOWS that they look to her, but still acts in disrespectful and ... interesting .... ways.
  • In my opinion, she really just isn't all that talented. Sure, she's Billy Ray Cyrus' daughter, which gives her a leg up on all of the other people auditioning for parts, but it just doesn't seem fair. There are SO many people that have more talent, but who aren't discovered because they don't have famous people connections.
There are more issues that I have with her, but quite frankly, I just want to end the post. I'm sorry I had to put you through this ...

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