Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 52 - A song you listen to when you're sad

So this is slightly weird, because there are multiple different types of "sad." But I guess the one I've had most recently is the kind of sad that's like "I'm missing my family, and a place where I have only good memories." So here's a song:

I don't particularly like this version of the song, but it's the best I could do at 12:45 in the morning. But here's a little story as to why I've chosen this kind of sad:

Yesterday, I drove back to my hometown in order to grab some stuff from my closet to prepare for our upcoming Spring Break. Usually my mom is there when I go back, and I'll always come in, yell "Hi Mum!!" and she'll respond, surprised, "Is my little sunshine home?!" It's our tradition. Along with a giant bear hug that seems like the world is ending. But anyways - I walked into the house yesterday, dropped my keys on the counter and my bag on the floor. I heard the cats run down the stairs to come and investigate who had just come in. The kitchen light was on, and I called out "Hi Mum!!"

But no one answered. Then I remembered, she was out of town. And I knew this - I had talked to her not two hours before, and it was made blatantly clear that I would walk into an empty house. But there's a difference between realizing it and having it become a realization.

This time, there was no one to answer "Is my little sunshine home?!" There was no one to give a bear hug to. There was only two cats to scratch and a mom to call to let her know that I had made it back safely. And there was only this song to play, to make it seem like I had someone else there.

Someone else who wished they were in a different place.

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