Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 54 - A song you want to play at your funeral

I must admit - I've known that this song fits the topic for years. It sounds morbid, and maybe it is, but it's also true. It has a special significance, and holds a very special place in my heart.

First off, we're Scottish. The Ferguson clan. And every year, our church holds a "Scottish Sunday," where they bring in a Scottish band, complete with kilts, funny hats, bagpipes, and drums. There's even a giant sword. There's the presentation of the tartans, and dancing afterwards.

But during the service, they always play this song, and it always makes my mom and I cry. Like babies. Because not only do I find bagpipe music some of the most beautiful music in existence, but Amazing Grace was played at my grandmother's funeral. And those two factors combine to make the most beautiful, but also the most heart-wrenching song I could ever hear.

So here it is: the song I want to play at my funeral. I want bagpipes, and the bagpipers to be dressed in Ferguson tartan kilts. And please play all of the verses - I hate how people only know the first one.

(I like the second one better, but the first has some nice shots of them actually playing)

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