Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 100 - A photo of you as a baby

I've been thinking a lot about my grandma recently. I'm not really quite sure why. I mean, don't get me wrong, I think about her every so often, and I miss her. Terribly. But lately, it's been like she's always on my mind.

The other day I had the strongest urge to knit a sweater. She was the person who originally taught me how to knit, and whenever I sit down with needles and yarn, I feel an attachment to her. I remember sitting on her lap, with her hands over mine, guiding my little fingers to knit the ugliest potholder known to mankind. And the more I've thought about it, the more I've realized that that potholder is the only finished project I've ever done.

That's not to say that I haven't come close. But whenever I get ready to bind off a project, I just can't bring myself to do it. I just can't have it end. I'm determined to break this streak. I am going to finish this sweater.

When I sat down with the pattern, I also realized that I've never purled before. I distinctly remember my grandma trying to teach me, but my little six-year-old fingers just didn't have enough hand-eye coordination to pull it off. So I taught myself. Yesterday.

Here's to you, Gram. We'll see how this sweater works out. It may be the ugliest thing ever (even worse than the potholder), but I'm doing it for you. I love you.

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