Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 116 - A photo from your favorite weekend

Well, I probably should have read the prompts before posting, because the photo from a night I loved also signifies one of my favorite weekends. But here's another:

This is a photo of me at my uncle's old house. The house was gorgeous: a huge stone "mansion", with a wide open yard in the back, complete with a little stream, deer, and a pool with a waterfall. The weekend this was taken it was the very beginning of summer, or, rather, the end of spring. Both of my cousins (my uncle's daughters) were in town, so I drove over to visit with them for a bit. We had so much fun just sitting and (attempting) tanning [I think the picture shows just about how unsuccessful we were]. The water in the pool was freezing, but we threw my cousin's boyfriend in and he screamed like a girl. It was hilarious.

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