Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 108 - A photo of one of your classes

So this if from last year, in my AP Physics class. We had a student from Venezuela (he's the guy in the green shirt near the center), and he wanted a photo with everyone before he left.

The man in the very front was our teacher. He retired last year, and it was probably for the best. He was a bit scatter-brained, and didn't teach too well. But we loved him anyway. He insisted us call him "coach" and we were not in AP Physics, but rather "Varsity." It was quite interesting.

I didn't enjoy the class much while I was in it, because we only did busy work, and didn't learn too much. But looking back, I guess it was pretty fun. I mean, certainly the labs became boring after a while, but I remember more about physics from those labs than from his lectures. So maybe it was a good thing that we worked in groups most of the time.

1 comment:

  1. Ha. Coach.

    I'm totally creeping right now. (:
