Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 99 - A photo of your family

This is horrible: I can't find one.

I honestly cannot find a family photo. But I can tell you about them.

My mom is funny. She's a bit off the wall, and is unusually perky in the mornings. But she's still normal ... she can do the "mom" things, like making chicken soup when you're sick and giving the hugs when you need them.

My dad is funny, but in a serious way. I'm never quite sure whether he's joking or serious when he says something that's completely off the wall. He has the "dry" sense of humor, but is funny nonetheless.

My brother is the opposite of me, to a certain extent. We look alike, but he's taller ... and a guy. He's funny and social and gets along with everyone.

I don't really know what else to say about them. They're my family. And though I don't have a family portrait, I don't really mind it. Because even though pictures are supposedly worth a thousand words, nothing can truly describe (or portray) my family.

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