Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 120 - A photo from when you were happy

This was from tonight. And I know that I'm not in the picture, but it was the best I could do.

This is my mom and brother. Together, sitting at the table in our breakfast room. Eating M&Ms and playing Gin Rummy. I believe this was the game that my mom trounced my brother, but it doesn't really matter.

Tonight my brother came home to have dinner, and my dad flew up for the weekend. It was amazing to have everyone back together for the first time in too long. I think it's been since Christmas, unless you count the random Saturday night dinners we would grab in Ann Arbor. And though I understand that it may not have been more than that (my brother was here for about 5 1/2 hours), it seemed like more. Probably because I wasn't picked up at the dorms, and wasn't dropped off after the meal ended.

My brother just left, and my dad leaves early tomorrow morning (before I'm awake). But I've learned to appreciate the time we all have together: it's the times that I can watch my brother get trounced in a card game, or listen to my dad watching TV in the basement, or sit upstairs in my room on my bed, listening to Gilmore Girls while knitting a charity sweater and look outside and see my dad and brother assessing our fleet of cars.

It's times like these that I'm happy. Honestly and truly happy.

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